Nittan smoke detectors stop false alarms from vaping in music venue

Nittan, vaping, false alarm, smoke alarm

False alarms in a Southampton pub and live-music venue caused by smoke detectors responding to water vapour from vaping have been prevented by the installation of Nittan Evolution EV-DP dual-wavelength photo-electric smoke detectors. The Frog & Frigate is renowned for being a very lively venue where visitors are encouraged to get on the tables and sing along with the band. Vaping is permitted in the busy venue.

Venue owner Derek Gardner explains, We are happy for people to use e-cigarettes inside. However, it has led to the alarms activating, especially when people are vaping right underneath them. We can’t stop people vaping underneath them, and we didn’t want to ban vaping.’

Fire & Safety Testing recommended the Nittan devices. Owner Derek Fay explains, ‘Many venues resort to using heat detectors instead of smoke alarms, but the local fire office would not allow this. Vaping is relatively new, and neither myself nor Nittan had come across the issue before.

‘We swapped the existing alarm devices out of the conventional system with the Nittan ones. There hasn’t been a single false alarm since, and that was about six months ago.’

For more information on this story, click here: Nov 2016, 126
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